From: July 30, 2019 at 9:00am to: 12:00pm
Trainer(s): John Phillips, M.A.Ed.
Details: Veterans who have been away from the civilian workforce are eligible for a variety of programs to help them return to work. This training will familiarize participants with federal, state, and local programs available to veterans in our area who would benefit from retraining or supportive employment. We encourage case workers, social service professionals, educators, hiring managers, and anyone interested in helping veterans find meaningful employment to attend. Join us to learn, share, network, and collaborate.
Objectives: Describe the federal, state, and local programs that provide veterans supportive employment opportunities Interpret a Joint Service Transcript for military experience and training that can be leveraged in the civilian workforce Recognize supportive practices in the workplace to assist veterans maintain meaningful employment
Cost: None
Parking: $3/day on campus (pay at the Kiosk in front of the Colin Education Hall)